The Audio Magazine
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Meet the Audio Duo...  
Chief Scrill 
The history of these two young men in itself is a story of it's own! Being both from the Midwest and making a great name for themselves they knew they out grew their region. Chief Scrill formaly E-Scrilla & DJ Bossmatic formaly DJNK had always been recording with eachother as well as traveing and performing together. In 2006 they parted ways in search of lifes endevours. With Chief Scrill in Las Vegas & DJ Bossmatic in San Antonio, 8 years later now in 2015 they are reunited and collaborating to ultimatley form The Audio Magazine! 
DJ Bossmatic brings his Bossmatic Touch to The Audio Magazine. DJ Bossmatic is a 3 x Battle DJ Champion, Writer, Producer and Sound Engineer. Bringing all this into The Audio Magazine. 

DJ Bossmatic prefers to play and mix with artists Pro Tools sessions and "remix" their record. With access to all individual sounds and vocals he re-edits, remasters, adds smooth blends, unique scratching, sample drops and also blesses the mic. 
Chief Scrill brings his writing, networking, talent scouting and creative skills to The Audio Magazine.

Adding his own material, straight forward delivery and punch lines, Chief Scrill also brings his networking to the table. Thus allowing him to collect interviews and collab with well known as well as aspiring artist. His drive and passion for success is a force that is not only heard but also scene. 
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